Army service refocused York man's life. Now, he pursues a hip-hop music career.

Army service refocused York man's life. Now, he pursues a hip-hop music career.

Without a uniform, there's hardly a way to differentiate a civilian from a person who has served in the United States military. 

It's a population that makes up less than half of a percent of the nation, according to the Council on Foreign Relations. 

The intertwined eagle and flag tattooed on 28-year-old Ibraheem Walker's hand might seemingly convey that his patriotism is skin deep. 

But, the tattoo's permanency speaks to the unwavering values Walker holds close from his Army past. It's a past that oddly crosses paths with his current trek towards making a name for himself in the music industry. 

Walker, stage name Navig, grew up in York, but was on his own at a young age. He lived with his dad in Atlanta for a few years in his youth, but eventually ended up back in York with his first cousin, Nathan Fleming's, family. 

Fleming would later become Walker's manager. 

After graduating from York High and refusing to take out a monstrous loan to attend the Art Institute of York, Walker started to fall through the incapacitating cracks of street life. 

"I had a couple things happen in my life that made me realize I had to [make] some changes," Walker said. 

After a recommendation from a friend who left a university to join the military, Walker, then 19-years-old, rode that wave of change to the Armed Forces recruiting office on Loucks Road in February 2010. 

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Road to the Army 

Soon, there was no more White Rose City. Walker went to basic training in Fort Jackson, South Carolina, and then AIT training at Fort Lee, Virginia. 

From there he joined the 178th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 48th Engineer Battalion in Baumholder, Germany. Walker had the opportunity to explore Amsterdam and Paris, France.

In August 2010, Walker made it back to the states for the birth of his son. He spent less than a week with with his son before he had to return and deploy to Afghanistan. 

Stationed at Camp Mike Spann and Kunduz, Walker's initial missions involved Personal Security Detail and Convoy Security Detail. Later, he'd transition to Key Leader Engagements and a gunner for the rest of the tour. 

He vividly remembers the disparities between the third-world country he was working in and the living conditions back home. 

"It really makes you appreciate what we have over [in the United States]," Walker said. 

During missions, Walker recalls seeing homes made from hardened mud and children running after the Army trucks, begging for water. 

Walker wrote lyrics that eventually turned into songs between missions and debriefings. Enough songs, he said, to make up an entire album. 

One experience, in particular, reminded him that the world is far from the safe space parents try to create for their children. An attack quickly reaffirmed the blunt reality that this was war. 

"I remember we were in Kunduz and we got mortared. That was the first time I realized this really isn't a game over here. People are really trying to kill us," Walker said. 

Writing music was a good stress reliever for Walker and it gave him the motivation to get home and record in the studio. 

Returning home 

After Afghanistan, Walker went back to Germany, then to the Shaw Air Force Base in South Carolina. After a short while in Kuwait, Walker decided to return home in 2012. He'd missed so much during his time away, including birthdays, his wife's graduation, and a funeral for a family member.

The adjustment back to normalcy wasn't entirely easy. Walker suffered from hypervigilance, which is defined as "the state of being highly or abnormally alert to potential danger or threat". 

Rooftops were no longer harmless views of the city, but pristine opportunities for snipers or other life-threatening situations.  

The subtle mental setback didn't discourage Walker from getting a hold on life outside of the service, though.  

"I made it in the military and I can make it outside the military," Walker told himself.  

With help from his GI Bill, Walker was able to get an associates's degree in Electronics Engineering at York Tech Institute. He currently holds a field technician position with a company in Baltimore. 

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War tours to music tours 

To Walker, the Army was far more than a job or duty to the country. 

"It was more like a lifestyle. The values I learned from that really helped me progress in my life," Walker said.

Now, he's a soldier for his music and, thanks to his manager, Walker has an independent tour lined up in parts of Pennsylvania and neighboring states. He describes his music as the type you'd hear if you enjoy the nightlife and having a good time. 

His album "No Validation" is available on multiple platforms, and he recently had a Meet & Greet at The Depot in York in April 25. 

A performance by Navig, likely dressed in t-shirt or jeans, would never hint to the fact that he ventured internationally to serve his country. 

Music, just like any military recruiting center, attracts people with all kinds of backgrounds and stories. 

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